For all press enquiries please contact:
Rainer Zitelmann
M. Rizwan Muzzammil, Opinion: Energy, EVs, Environment and the Economy, LBO, October 16 2023
Ralph Benko, Capitalism Finds Its Long Needed Champion in Rainer Zitelmann, Townhall, July 12 2023
Dominic Pino, Why Markets Work, Law & Liberty, July 11 2023
“Zitelmann’s defense of markets combined with his research on people’s opinions of markets form a unique book that offers a fresh perspective on the economic system we all participate in. It will challenge skeptics of markets to rethink their views in the face of the historical evidence and inform defenders of markets on how to better communicate the successes of economic freedom. By no means comprehensive, In Defense of Capitalism nonetheless provides a wide range of evidence explaining why markets work and why many people continue to be skeptical of them. As Hayek knew well, market defenders will always have work to do.”
Michael Beas, Book Review "In Defense of Capitalism",, June 19 2023
E. Calvin Beisner, A Powerful Defense of Capitalism, Cornwall Alliance, May 23 2023
“In his excellent new book In Defense of Capitalism, the historian and political scientist Rainer Zitelmann asks a vital question about inequality. In asking this question, he makes a move characteristic of his work. Demands to reduce inequality of wealth and income are widespread, and often debates about proposals to do this are centered in political philosophy. Do people have natural rights to their property that state-mandated measures of redistribution violate? Is inequality inherently bad?”
David Gordon, Equality Requires State Violence, Mises Institute, April 2023
“I, co-founder and chairman of the 199,876 member Capitalist League, now praise Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, a double Ph.D., historian, sociologist, author, and management consultant, as the reigning public intellectual champion of capitalism. He is capitalism's Thomas Piketty. Anti-capitalist Picketty's works are extensively reviewed and on the bestseller lists. Zitelmann's work is rigorously data-driven. Not dogmatic. While the left, shrewdly, never lets the facts stand in the way of a good story, Zitelmann utterly demolishes its arguments. All right (in both senses) thinking people should be enthusiastically promoting him.”
Ralph Benko, To Understand Capitalism, We Must Debunk Its Myths, Newsmax, 12 April 2023
Jon Miltimore, European Author Explains the Massive Disconnect between Young and Old Americans on Capitalism,, 10 April 2023
Thomas Mahler, Rainer Zitelmann: Despite Thomas Piketty’s claims, this is the most prosperous period in history, Reaction, 04 April 2023
Randall G. Holcombe, Capitalism!, Independent Institute, 27 March 2023
In Defence of Capitalism, Money Week, 17 March 2023
James Bickerton, Bernie Sanders Would Be More Extreme President than Trump, Historian Warns, Newsweek, 04 March 2023

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